“When I am on the pitch and play football, I feel like I am as free as a bird without any 'problems', it doesn't matter if we win or lose”

— Shabnam Ruhin


Using sport and education as tools to empower, connect and unify women and girls.

GIRL POWER (www.girlpowerorg.com)

Research and reality show us that women and girls across the world are often left on the margins of society and denied opportunities when it comes to sports and education. 

​Even in places with progressive ideals and agendas around equality, we do not always build a strong enough bridge to get women and girls fully and equally involved, and this means that they miss out and feel isolated in their communities. 

Their mission is to provide meaningful ways for women and girls to connect and thrive using sport and education. They want to actively participate in changing the status quo in areas we operate, and we aim to provide ways to help people participate in that goal too.It means that society misses out on their brilliant contributions.



They provide the opportunity for women & girls in rural areas  with otherwise poor-access, to participate in sport and to connect and thrive through educational initiatives. A big part of their Middle-East program is about educating women & girls on their rights and the positive impact of their active participation in society through educational and sporting activities.

Click on DONATE to help us give girls hope.

"No society truly blooms if all of its members are not included, and half of those members are women"

— Khalida Popal


“Together we can change the lives of those who have no hope”

RAKSHA NEPAL (www.rakshanepal.org) AND SUSTAINABLE HIMALAYAN FOUNDATION (www.sustainablehimalayanfoundation.org)

Raksha Nepal is a humanitarian organization, which has been working for the sexually exploited girls, women and their children since its establishment in 2004.Its main target is to protect those women and young girls working in the so-called informal entertainment sectors (massage parlors, dance bars and cabin restaurants) from trafficking and sexual violence by enhancing their knowledge, awareness and socio-economic status. Similarly, in the mission of making girls and women free of sexual exploitation, Raksha Nepal is involved and advocates "to make the society free of compulsive prostitution."

The purpose of the Sustainable Himalayan Foundation is to work on Himalayan female-oriented projects, female empowerment and also mental health.   Sustainable Himalayan Foundation is based in Kathmandu, it consists of a small group of dedicated volunteers.  The Foundation was established by a Veteran group made up of British Army, Royal Gurkhas and Human Rights activists, who are undertaking the responsibility of working for the children and women’s livelihood across Nepal. 

Raksha Girls and Sustainable Himalayan Foundation have been working with sexually exploited girls, women and their children, survivors from trafficking and sexual violence.  The members are committed to providing the support these victims need, allowing them to feel strong and confident in controlling their lives and claiming their rights.  For many victims of trafficking, this process starts by arriving at one their anti-trafficking or mental health workshops in Kathmandu, where they meet other people who have been in similar situations.  The simple realisation that they are not alone and that they are not alienated from society has proven to be an incredibly powerful step in the road to recovery.  These workshops have been hugely successful and the demand has been staggering.

One of the attendees is a young girl who was raped by her grandfather.  He began raping her when she was just ten years old. The girl’s mother did not make the incident public because of traditional family reputation issues.  Later, her father came home from abroad.  She was expecting fatherly protection but he also raped her.  The nightmare went on for 5 long years until she decided to take her own life by taking pesticide but luckily she was rescued by passers-by.  The girl is now safe and under the protection of one of the local NGO who provides a shelter.  She wants to fight for the protection of sexually exploited girls, women and their children and she wants to one day be a gynaecologist. 

There are so many victims who have similar stories and are still suffering.  Many are now under the protection of local NGO (Raksha Nepal).  This organization is there to protect those women and young girls and provide them a safe home, which Sustainable Himalayan Foundation have been working with very closely from the beginning.  There are almost 100 plus women and girls (Age 5 to 30) in the shelter. 

HeadGuard® and Boxology® visited Nepal and ran boxing and mind workshops in October 2022. We are now planning our next mission to Afghanistan, working with a local charity called Girl Power (www.girlpower.org).

Click on DONATE to help us give girls hope.

“If you think your life is hard then think again”

— Sustainable Himalayan Foundation


THE LOTUS FLOWER CHARITY (www.lotusflower.org)

The Lotus Flower charity is committed to helping vulnerable young girls whose lives have been left in turmoil by ISIS since 2014.  Many girls have endured unimaginable crimes such as rape and  abduction, as well as other forms of abuse and thousands have lost their homes and loved ones. With survivors confined to rudimentary refugee camps, there is very little for girls to do and they spend long hours imprisoned in their tents and cabins, unable to take part in activities simply because of their gender and cultural restraints.  The situation for those in refugee camps is bleak, with a crippling lack of resources and the government struggling to cope with the sheer numbers.  Girls’ confinement to their tents is an escalating problem and a fear of continued violence contributes to their isolation.  Girls and women in the camps have restricted freedom of movement and limited privacy.  They are excluded from decision-making and have less access to aid than males.  There is also a lack of protection against gender- based violence, while many women are pregnant, mourning loved ones or haunted by painful memories.  All are deeply afraid. 

The Boxing Sisters project was a boxing and training programme for girl survivors, which was first launched in a refugee camp in Rwanga in northern Iraq as a pilot project in April 2019 and will extend out into other camps in the region during 2020.   Boxology® spent 7 days in the camp.  Every morning we ran a 2 hour technical boxing class for 16 women who were chosen by The Lotus Flower based on their need for the project.  We then spent a few hours getting to know the women and creating a safe space so they could talk about their stories, feelings and emotions.  The Lotus Flower charity had chosen 3 women from the group of 16, who would be mentors and coaches for the camp.  In the afternoon we worked with these women and ran the Boxology® course, such that, by the end of the 7 days, these women had enough knowledge to feel confident to run boxing classes on a weekly basis.   We continue to offer ongoing help and support via What’s App and on Facebook social media platform.  This project is designed purely for girls:

  • As an outlet to help them gain confidence, break out of their closed environments within the camp and form new friendships. 

  • Boxing will break down social and gender barriers, encouraging the girls to become leaders within their community, and also enabling them to learn a trade and be able to earn a living after completion. 

  • Enabling girls to turn their struggles into strength through boxing will provide a strong message of empowerment.  Encouraging female participation and greater inclusion will allow girls to get involved in rebuilding communities alongside older generations – which is vital to safeguarding their own futures. 

  • Allowing girls to take part in a sport they might previously have been prohibited from will not only empower them, but also boost social progress.  Once restricted to the home environment, females are beginning to be perceived differently because of the atrocities they have faced, and many are now finding the courage to pursue new interests. 

  • By keeping busy socially, girls can take comfort in their peers and express thoughts and feelings, which have been bottled up. Being able to talk freely and share their common experiences will help their psychological recovery from the trauma they have suffered.

 HeadGuard® and Boxology® will revisit Iraq and run further boxing and mind workshops in the future..